13 Necessities for Autumn

If you only buy thirteen things this fall, make it these thirteen: soft, camel colored leather boots that reveal a pie slice of smooth leg, flat indigo snake skin boots, a pet fish, suede ankle boots, sleeveless pinstripe suit, t-strap gray shoes (when are you going to admit that gray shoes are an absolute staple?), a giant hat of some sort (fake fur, feathers, a mess of yarn?), also long woolen elf hat in a solid color, bolero jacket, maternity-inspired crepe dress, found object-like simple gold earrings, and a pair of very long mittens (up to your underarms). If we've missed something important, please let us know.
of the 13 essentials, three of the essentials are boots. do you need that many? and 13 could signal a bad turn of events around the corner. the 14th essential should therefore be a black suit, with tight jacket and pencil skirt to wear when you need to assert your authority.
how did you know?
Yes, how did you know? This blogging stuff has me so confunsed. kar
is that you katherine?
Yes it's me. I have my own site now. I will email you the link. Not sure what to do next. kar
This dialogue sounds so authentic. Nice site!
that is 15. jacket and skirt. I love emily's mom, but the law is not math. I say that is a lot of boots jeepers.... xxx
to love, I thought you said that Jeepers has to put a stop to her mom's comments!
how could the idea of too many boots and 13 signaling a bad turn of events and the need to assert authority with a black suit, be interpreted to mean "Get a real job?"
This is getting too deep for me.
who is befuddled, really?
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